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Cutting Finishing Glue and Assembly
Safety Sharpening Wood Information

Dealing with Wood Movement - Wood, being a material that was once very much alive, and quite full of water, never loses it ability to absorb moisture from its surroundings. When it does absorb water, it expands and when it dries again, it shrinks. If you do not plan for this movement, your projects can be weakened, disfigured or even ruined.


Finishing Basics - Finishing your project will both protect it and bring out the beauty of the wood. Commonly used finishes belong to basically six groups, straight oils, oil and varnish blends, varnish, water based, shellac and lacquer.


Guide to Honing and Sharpening - One of the most important skills a woodworker can acquire is the ability to sharpen tools easily and well. Working with hand tools can be a frustrating experience unless you have sharp tools. The goal of this lesson is, with a mimimum of equipment, is for you to be able to produce razor sharp cutting edges on any tool blade consistently.


Hand Drill Use and Safety - Details about the variety of hand drills available and safety information.


Hardwood Handbook - The Hardwood Handbook is a practical guide for the consumer, builder, architect and other specifiers to select from the many beautiful hardwood species grown in vibrant and perpetual southeastern hardwood forests. Each species has its own distinct qualities, but all have the warm natural feel and charm that is uniquely wood.


Hardwood Identification - Most commercially important hardwoods in the US can easily be identified by examining the cross-sectional surface of the wood with the unaided eye or a 10x hand lens. Since these features are visible to the eye, they are referred to as macroscopic.


Identifying Wood In Furniture Const. - Characteristics of different woods commonly used in furniture construction.


Introductory Guide to Native British Trees - Information about 33 native british trees, listed by latin and common names.


Jointer Use and Safety - How to use a jointer, tips for adjustment, and safety information.


Lumber Dimension Chart (PDF) - Nominal vs. actual size of boards plus a boardfoot calculation chart.

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