Directory » Tips and Techniques
Cutting Finishing Glue and Assembly
Safety Sharpening Wood Information

Lumber Dimensions and Terimology - Purchasing material can be confusing, we see terms we are not familiar with, and the material we buy is smaller than we thought, hopefully this page will shed some light on the subject.


Miter Saw Use and Safety - Different miter saw types and features available, and safety information.


Radial Arm Use and Safety - Description of the uses for a radial arm saw and safety information.


Redwood Exterior Finishes - Information about finishing exterior redwood and what materials should be avoided.


Router Use and Safety - Differences between fixed base and plunge routers and safety information.


Sander Use and Safety - Differences between different types of sanders and safety information.


The Truth About Polyurethane Glue - Some manufacturers say that polyurethane glues are better than yellow glue.


Woodworking Glossary - Woodworking terms and definitions, with links.


WWA Wood Sampler - The WoodSampler is an online directory exhibiting picture some of the World's most popular woods.

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