Difficulty | |
• Aromatic Cedar FAQ - Frequently asked questions and answers about aromatic cedar. |
• Cedar Facts - Information about advantages to using cedar in woodoworking |
• Hardwood Handbook - The Hardwood Handbook is a practical guide for the consumer, builder, architect and other specifiers to select from the many beautiful hardwood species grown in vibrant and perpetual southeastern hardwood forests. Each species has its own distinct qualities, but all have the warm natural feel and charm that is uniquely wood. |
• Hardwood Identification - Most commercially important hardwoods in the US can easily be identified by examining the cross-sectional surface of the wood with the unaided eye or a 10x hand lens. Since these features are visible to the eye, they are referred to as macroscopic. |
• Identifying Wood In Furniture Const. - Characteristics of different woods commonly used in furniture construction. |
• Introductory Guide to Native British Trees - Information about 33 native british trees, listed by latin and common names. |
• Lumber Dimension Chart (PDF) - Nominal vs. actual size of boards plus a boardfoot calculation chart. |
• Lumber Dimensions and Terimology - Purchasing material can be confusing, we see terms we are not familiar with, and the material we buy is smaller than we thought, hopefully this page will shed some light on the subject. |
• Woodworking Glossary - Woodworking terms and definitions, with links. |
• WWA Wood Sampler - The WoodSampler is an online directory exhibiting picture some of the World's most popular woods. |