Directory » Tips and Techniques » Safety

Band Saw Use and Safety - Bandsaw and bandsaw blade information and adjustment tips, and safety information.


Dangers of Wood Dust - Wood dust is produced when timber is being worked such as in chipping, sawing, turning, drilling and sanding. Sanding is by far the most dangerous as the particles are so fine that a lot of masks do not entirely filter the particles, and, as a result, pass into our nasal cavities, sinuses and lungs.


Hand Drill Use and Safety - Details about the variety of hand drills available and safety information.


Jointer Use and Safety - How to use a jointer, tips for adjustment, and safety information.


Miter Saw Use and Safety - Different miter saw types and features available, and safety information.


Radial Arm Use and Safety - Description of the uses for a radial arm saw and safety information.


Router Use and Safety - Differences between fixed base and plunge routers and safety information.


Sander Use and Safety - Differences between different types of sanders and safety information.