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Applying Wood Veneers - A straight-forward technique to apply wood veneer using contact cement, with tips, tool list, and technique.


Aromatic Cedar FAQ - Frequently asked questions and answers about aromatic cedar.


Band Saw Use and Safety - Bandsaw and bandsaw blade information and adjustment tips, and safety information.


Cedar Facts - Information about advantages to using cedar in woodoworking


Cedar Finishing Tips - Information about finishing outdoor cedar projects and reasons why you may not need to.


Choosing a Finish - Though undaunted by complex joinery or intricate and precise machining, many woodworkers still cringe at the thought of applying a finish to their work. �What�s the best finish for my project� is one of the first hurdles to overcome.


Cut Inside Corners - Every so often it is necessary to make cuts in areas that on first glance may seem impossible, here are three solutions to such situations.


Cutting Crown Molding - The advantage to cutting crown molding using this method is that no bevel cut is required. Therefore, when adjusting the saw for out of square corners, the user needs to only adjust the miter system, as opposed to both miter and bevel systems when laying crown materials flat.


Cutting Wide Boards on a Table Saw - Cutting wide boards using the miter gauge on a table saw.


Dangers of Wood Dust - Wood dust is produced when timber is being worked such as in chipping, sawing, turning, drilling and sanding. Sanding is by far the most dangerous as the particles are so fine that a lot of masks do not entirely filter the particles, and, as a result, pass into our nasal cavities, sinuses and lungs.

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